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New Flight Regulations Operations June 2


Civil Aviation Compliance – June 2, 2022

Those currently operating will know that the June 2022 deadline for Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) compliance is almost upon us.  Civil Aviation compliance rules changed on 2nd December 2021.  The deadline to get your fully updated and integrated exposition or operations manual to Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) is June 2.   For the complete list of changes and requirements, visit the CASA website

The Civil Aviation Academy Australasia (CAAA) is fully approved as a CASA training provider.  We have been providing training and consultancy to aviation and related industries since 2001.  CAAA consultants have over 80 years of combined experience in flight operations, audits, and compliance management.

What can the Civil Aviation Academy (CAAA) do for you?

Suppose you have concerns that you are not fully compliant, even after the fact. In that case, our professional team of consultants can help you by completing a strictly confidential Gap Analysis of compliance and help to make changes if necessary.   

Contact us today:

  • If you don’t think you will complete your manuals by the due date.
  • Worry that you are not as fully compliant as you need to be, or
  • You just want to check.

What is a Gap Analysis?

A Gap Analysis is a way for you to get a clear picture of your compliance and help you to move forward. CAAA will perform a Gap Analysis of your Exposition and Operations Manuals to pinpoint any “gaps” between your current compliance level and where you need to be by 2nd June 2022.

We will provide you with an updated comparison with the latest regulatory changes and advice.  This will enable you to focus your resources and energy on the areas of most importance and allow you to make corrections to manuals and procedures. 

How does the Civil Aviation Academy carry out a Gap Analysis?

Our professional team will carry out a thorough analysis of all your manuals and documents and record any changes you need to be aware of.  We have developed a 3 Stage process to cater for the many phases of compliance.

Stage 1 – Desktop-Audit – AOC Operations Manuals & Company Exposition

Our aviation consultants will conduct a desktop audit of your AOC Operations Manuals and Company Exposition.  We do this by cross-referencing all your documents and noting the levels of compliance.  We will examine them next to the six CASA rules applicable to your operation:

  • CASR 91 – General Operating and Flight Rules
  • CASR 119 – Australian Air Transport Operators – Certification and Management
  • CASR 133 – Air Transport Operations Rotorcraft
  • CASR 135 – Air Transport Operations – smaller aeroplanes
  • CASR 138 – Aerial Work Operations
  • CASR 121 – Air Transport Operations – larger aeroplanes

Comparisons to the relevant Manual of Standards, Acceptable Means of Compliance, Advisory Circulars, and current exemptions are also made and annotated.

Stage 2 – Identify Amendments and Inserts

Once the desktop audit is complete, we can suggest inserts and/or amendments to meet your documents’ partial or non-compliant sections.  We will enter the suggestions as tracked changes for your reference and inclusion or as notes to be inserted by your staff.

Stage 3 – Company Compliance Statement

Once all suggested changes are made to your documents, we can assist with completing your Company Compliance Statement. We will remove and update all CARs, CAOs and regulations that require updating and insert new Flight Operations Regulations.

If you have updated your manuals and only need our help with a Company Compliance Statement, we can help with this.

Helping you focus on safe operations

A Gap Analysis of your operations manuals will give you peace of mind.   Updating your operations manuals to reflect the new regulations and legislation is a big task when you are busy running a business while staying focused on safe operations. 

Contact us today https://www.caaa.com.au/consultancy/

Do you have any questions?
Contact us today.